

Quality, honor and dependability are not just buzzwords for the team at Weldon Jack. Located in Oklahoma City, Weldon Jack opened in December 2013, and instantly tapped into an unmet need in the Midwest: a full-service barbershop coupled with a retail establishment that is honestly so thoroughly unique there is nothing to compare it to.

That might have something to do with the inspiration behind the shop and the name. Jack is Smith’s grandfather, and Weldon is his middle name, but also serves as a play on the words “well done.” With attention to detail in every aspect of the shop, from the carefully curated merchandise to the team of barbers and the quality services they provide, “Well Done Jack” is nothing short of a mantra.

 That is the birthplace of Weldon Jack and Weldon Jack Brand Products.” Well said … and well done.

From the Owner:


"Weldon Jack was an ideal before it was ever a store. It was born from the inspiration of my grandfather – Jack Weldon Smith – and the legacy that I saw in his life. He was flawed and human, but still driven to be more and better. As his grandson, I saw it firsthand and up close … and saw that the ‘more and better’ that he wanted wasn’t for himself, but for those that followed after him. That is the birthplace of Weldon Jack and Weldon Jack Brand Products. 


Well said … and well done."


- Jerrod Smith | Owner/Operator

Jack Weldon Smith's Signature.jpg